Policies aim to provide staff, pupils, parents and guardians with clear information about the organisation and the standards of behaviour expected by all members of its community. These policies enable us to work together to do the best by those in our care.

The key Active Learning Trust policies can be viewed here and are listed below.  

Scheme of Delegation, Anti-slavery & Human trafficking, Freedom of Information, Data Protection, Use of Images Policy, Safeguarding, Whistleblowing, Gifts, Equal Opportunities in Employment, Anti Fraud, Corruption and Bribery, Health and Safety & Admissions.

Some of our main school policies are shown below:


Updated: 28/01/2024 331 KB
Updated: 28/01/2024 326 KB
Updated: 28/11/2023 587 KB
Anti Bullying Policy 2023-25
Updated: 17/06/2024 517 KB
Updated: 26/04/2024 801 KB
Updated: 02/01/2024 443 KB
Careers and Work Related Learning Policy 23-25
Updated: 19/07/2024 456 KB
Updated: 19/07/2024 521 KB
Updated: 20/10/2022 610 KB
Charging & Remissions Policy Review Nov 24
Updated: 15/11/2022 306 KB
Children in Care Policy 2022-24
Updated: 01/01/2024 349 KB
Complaints Policy August 23 - 24
Updated: 19/04/2023 588 KB
Curriculum Policy SPR 23-25
Updated: 15/05/2024 663 KB
Exams Policy August 2024
Updated: 15/05/2024 416 KB
Exclusions Policy SEPT 23-24
Updated: 17/06/2024 640 KB
Updated: 27/11/2023 802 KB
Health and Safety HLA 23-24
Updated: 19/07/2024 521 KB
Updated: 15/11/2022 132 KB
Intimate Care Policy 22-24
Updated: 15/11/2022 720 KB
Please note guidance within KSCIE has been updated 2023. Please see the safeguarding pages.
Updated: 03/05/2024 408 KB
Relationship & Sex Education Policy SPRING 24-26 CURRENTLY UNDER CONSULTATION
Updated: 28/11/2023 748 KB
Remote Learning Policy 2024-26
Updated: 17/06/2024 761 KB
Updated: 24/10/2023 472 KB
SEND Policy June 23- 25
Updated: 19/04/2023 506 KB
Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs & First Aid Policy 23-25
Updated: 03/02/2022 710 KB
Whistleblowing Policy & Procedure NOV 21-24
Updated: 15/05/2024 540 KB
Exams Word Processor Policy HLA August 2024

Highfield Littleport Academy works hard to forge relationships with and between the communities that it serves.  We hope that if there is an area of our practice that you are not happy with that you approach us so that we can understand your complaint and work to put things right. 

The Active Learning Trust is committed to preventing and mitigating exploitation, corruption and bribery in all its forms. We will not accept modern slavery, forced labour and human trafficking anywhere within our operations or supply chain.  Please click here for the Trust's Anti Slavery and Human Trafficking statement.

Our school travel policy can be found by clicking this link.

It is now a statutory requirement that all schools in England and Wales are teaching Relationship and Sex Education as a fundamental part of the curriculum.

The policy can be found below:

Highfield Schools RSE Policy Spring 24 - 27 This policy is currently awaiting governor ratification following a consultation..

As part of implementing the RSE curriculum, schools must consult with parents, staff and governors to ensure there is a general consensus on our approaches to policy and the curriculum content.  We consulted with parents and here are the results of this consultation in the link below:

Parent RSE PSHE Policy Consultation Results Spring/Summer 2024

We have taken all of your comments on board and incorporated these into the policy. We want to ensure that our practice fully meets the needs of all of our learners.

If you would like any further help or information on any of our other school policies please do not hesitate to contact the school office.  Printed copies are available free of charge, on request.