Working with parents and school is a partnership.  We want to support parents and pupils as we see that this has a direct impact upon each other. 

Our aim at Highfield Littleport is to enable parents and carers to;

  • feel supportive and valued
  • feel part of the Highfield Littleport Academy community
  • have opportunities to express their views and feel listened to
  • build resilience
  • be actively involved in child’s education and journey, come to us for support, feel listened to and heard

To support the mental health and wellbeing of parents and carers, we;

  • host coffee mornings with a different focus each time including inviting guest speakers - please do share any topics you think might be useful by messaging us on Class Dojo
  • invite parents to in-school events and celebrations, such as, Christmas Fair, Sports Day and class open sessions
  • ensure parents/carers are involved in child’s education journey e.g. EHCP annual review meeting, two parents’ evenings a year, pre-admission meeting
  • have a family support staff member who is a direct contact for parents/carers seeking further support
  • provide signposting information for a range of services and events in the local area. These will be shared on Facebook and on Class Dojo so please do keep a look out.
  • use Class Dojo to maintain regular contact between teachers and parents/carers
  • share pupil learning and progress on Evidence for Learning
  • share mental health and wellbeing information on our weekly newsletter
  • ensure parent/carers are valued and feel listened to
  • conduct regular surveys to gain feedback

For support and guidance with navigating the SEND system or for advice and support you can contact SENDIASS.  They provide freeimpartial, and confidential services offering information to parents, carers and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). They provide:

  • Confidential support and someone to talk to in confidence
  • Advice and information about special educational needs
  • Independent Support for children, young people and families as Statements are transferred to EHC Plans
  • Preparing for meetings with your child’s school or with professionals who are working with your child
  • Information on your rights and responsibilities as a parent, children’s rights and SEN law and guidance
  • Information about local support groups and voluntary organisations

Click on the picture below to find more information:

If you do feel that you need further support and do not know where to turn, the links below may be able to support you.

Also take a look at the poster in the link below where you can find a wealth of information and sources of support.

Signposting for Parents and Carers